LG commands description
BGP summary
    Displays summary information for selected Route Server:
  • global Route Server parameters and statictics,
  • brief information about each BGP and BFD neighbor status, number of accepted/best/rejected routes.
Prefix info
Provides detailed BGP information for selected network or prefix.
BGP best path calculation is performing in syntetic master table where some control BGP communities are not resolved yet. Please see Prefix for neighbor section for BGP table state in context of specific BGP neigbor.
Neighbor info
    Provides detailed BGP information for selected BGP neighbor:
  • global neighbor parameters and statictics,
  • list of accepted BGP routes from this neighbor.
Rejected routes
Provides list of BGP routes for selected BGP neighbor which was not accepted due to Route Server policy
Also gives information about the reason of route rejection and possible ways to solve this problem.
BFD info
Provides detailed BFD information for selected neighbor
Prefix for neighbor
Provides detailed BGP information for selected network or prefix in context of specific BGP neigbor
This section displays information after resolving control BGP communities.
List of BGP routes which match given BGP community