December 14, 2014
Yelena Voronina to sit on the Council of the Coordination Center for TLD RU/РФ
On December 11, 2014, the Coordination Center for TLD RU\РФ elected four new members to its Council. Yelena Voronina, Olga Makarova, Alexander Panov and Ilya Sachkov will replace outgoing members of the Coordination Center’s governing body. Denis Stafeyev also replaced Mikhail Medrish as the Council’s Chairman. The new members will take office on January 1, 2015.
December 8, 2014
MSK-IX launches a new book by Andrei Robachevsky
The launch of Internet iznutri. Ekosistema globalnoi Seti [The Internet from the Inside Out: The Ecosystem of the Global Network], a new book published with the support of MSK-IX, took place on 4 December at the 10th Peering Forum. All guests received free copies signed by the author, a major contributor to the Internet's development and experienced professional, personally known to many future readers.
December 5, 2014
Peering Forum 2014 reports available online
All of the forum’s presentations have been posted on its website, at
November 28, 2014
On 27 November, a ceremony took place in Moscow for the winners of the annual COMNEWS AWARDS 2014.