Internet eXchange world community unites to implement new ideas
Route server (RS) is a popular service offered by traffic exchange points, allowing users to simplify peer-to-peer communication between participants and to reduce the number of individual peer-to-peer sessions. Workshop participants discussed the standardization of BGP community managers on RS, compared software functionality and spoke about load testing methods for GoBGP and Bird route servers. They also discussed the mechanisms of route validation using ROA/RPKI technology and the unification of the Looking Glass route monitoring systems.
“MSK-IX regularly tests RS software solutions of various providers and actively influences their development. The best stability and scalability today is shown by the Bird Daemon-based route server, developed by our Czech colleagues,” Alexander Ilyin said. “Developers from Japan managed to create a new, interesting RS platform, written in the Go language. The platform is still in its early days, but we hope that in the future we will be able to apply GoBGP on par with Bird Daemon for mutual reservation.”