MSK-IX / News / MSK-IX launches a new book by Andrei Robachevsky
December 8, 2014

MSK-IX launches a new book by Andrei Robachevsky

The launch of Internet iznutri. Ekosistema globalnoi Seti [The Internet from the Inside Out: The Ecosystem of the Global Network], a new book published with the support of MSK-IX, took place on 4 December at the 10th Peering Forum. All guests received free copies signed by the author, a major contributor to the Internet's development and experienced professional, personally known to many future readers.

Written in a clear and accessible style, Internet iznutri is a guide book to the Internet for anyone who wants to understand its architecture and discover its secrets.

Reviewers say the book upends preconceived notions about the Internet, providing "an accurate and comprehensive view of the Internet's internal structure, how it works, and what users should do to protect themselves, their families, and their data. Each chapter builds logically on the last, revealing interesting facts and technical secrets along the way. The book has something to offer all readers, from experts to casual readers interested in how the Internet is organized from the inside out."

The book was published with active support from MSK-IX and the Alpina Publishers team. Yelena Voronina, chair of the board at MSK-IX, had a direct hand in preparing the book for publication.

Voronina shared her impressions of the book at the event: "It's really a wonderful book. The author discusses very complex ideas in simple language. I'm sure it will be useful and interesting to a wide range of readers – from specialists to journalists, and teenagers to senior citizens. Our long-time colleague and friend Andrei Robachevsky not only explains how the Internet is organized, he provides practical advice on how to use the Internet safely and effectively. I believe that next year, when most of the first run is published and it hits store shelves, it has a good shot at becoming a bestseller."

Robachevsky, a web developer since the early 1990s, is now head of Internet Society programs designed to improve the security and stability of the global architecture of the Internet. He is also actively involved in the IETF, an organization that develops Internet standards. In 2010-12, he was a member of the Internet Architecture Board, IAB.

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