Yevgeny Morozov reports on availability of cloud services in Russia

The Data Center Conference is a key event for the Russian data center market participants. The organizer of the forum, IKS-Media, has brought together the leading industry professionals - analysts, representatives of Russian and international associations, as well as companies engaged in the design, construction, operation and provision of data center services. During the 17th forum, recognized experts on the data center market exchanged views and shared knowledge, identified and discussed global trends that have a direct impact on the development of corporate information infrastructure.
Yevgeny Morozov, CEO of MSK-IX, was one of the speakers at the conference. In his report during the session on network connectivity in the data center market and cloud provisioning in the new reality, he explained how the withdrawal of certain foreign companies affected the Russian market and what role domestic traffic exchange points play in providing access to cloud-based services.
Monitoring the traffic on the MSK-IX network reveals the absence of sessions of such content resources as Microsoft, Apple, Netflix and a few others. At the same time, this traffic has not been actually removed from Russia’s territory. The local nodes of those companies located in Russia were turned off, but their traffic continues to flow into the Russian Federation through the links with international providers and CDN. On the other hand, corporate customers themselves are gradually refraining from using the services of those foreign providers that continue to provide services in Russia. They fear that a foreign company can cut off its service at any time based on the customer’s legal address, and are migrating to domestic cloud platforms.
Yevgeny Morozov also touched upon the problem of high network latency in remote regions of Russia, which negatively affects customers’ work with cloud platforms. This problem can be solved by placing cloud servers in the regions or, as the data center in Udomlya did, by laying optic cables to Moscow using the shortest route, which reduced response time to 6-7 ms.
When discussing the possible shortages of network equipment, Yevgeny Morozov noted that this problem will not affect MSK-IX’s operation for a long time, because the current network capacity is many times higher than the current load. Most client connections are ready for higher traffic, as their capacity is used 50-60 percent on average.
MSK-IX provides the Cloud Connect service, which implies a dedicated channel to Russian and Western cloud platforms. It is available in all Russian regions via a distributed network covering all federal districts.
“Thanks to the use of L2 channels, MSK-IX’s Cloud Connect fully guarantees the security of data transmission and stability against frequent DDoS attacks,” Yevgeny Morozov assured the audience.