MSK-IX celebrates New Year with a new website

In 2022, MSK-IX marked its 27th anniversary. In this period of time, it has grown from a peering network into a multiservice platform built on the base of its own protected network. The list of services the company offers grows every year. The functions of the old version of the website no longer met the contemporary usability and functionality requirements. Therefore, a decision was made to launch a new portal.
To help users to better understand the information about the company’s services, the website structure has been updated and the geography of its services was represented in graphics. The functionality has also been expanded: for instance, clients now can select a solution and order television channels from the catalogue published on the website.
When developing the website, MSK-IX did the preparatory work and audience segmentation. It identified target groups and outlined relevant tasks. The company’s experts offer each group a solution that will help them deal with their tasks with maximum efficiency.
At the moment, the development of the Solutions section has only started. Later on, its structure will develop and will include many subcategories. Each solution and service will be described in detail for every task and every audience segment.
"The website is the company’s calling card. It needs to be fresh and contemporary. By creating a new website, we want to say that MSK-IX can meet the current challenges. It will become a tool that will help the market not only understand its problems but also treat them promptly. We set a very ambitious goal to launch the new website in less than three months, and we have succeeded," said MSK-IX Marketing Director Alexei Kostin.