Medialogistika 2.0 and Mediabaza: Biggest debuts of CSTB 2023

This year CSTB marks 25 years. The forum promised a busy and diverse program. As always, the business track and the industry fair attracted leading experts of the Russian media and telecom market.
Since the launch of the Medialogistika project, MSK-IX has not missed a single CSTB forum, and each time the company presents something new to the professional community. The anniversary forum was not an exception. More than that, the company presented two major projects, Medialogistika 2.0 and Mediabaza .
“Terrestrial delivery on a cosmic scale” was the intriguing motto featured on the Medialogistika stand designed using the platform’s branding colors. More than mere beautiful words, the motto refers to the biggest change unveiled at CSTB.
Medialogistika Director Grigory Kuzin revealed all the details when he presented the Medialogistika 2.0 platform.
He reminded the audience that Medialogistika 1.0 was developed by MSK-IX and operated on its network. On-demand TV operators could connect to the platform in large cities (1 million resident and above) in every federal district of Russia. As the project grew, broadcasters and service providers increasingly requested expanding the coverage, which prompted MSK-IX and Sinterra Media to create Medialogistika 2.0. The joint project consolidates the terrestrial television signal relay networks of the two companies, thus expanding the platform’s geography by 80 capitals of Russian regions. The companies plan to add all cities with a population of at least 100,000 and district centers to their network before the end of 2023.
The first operator joined the platform on Sinterra Media’s side ahead of CSTB. Trytek from Vladimir (300,000+ residents) is already receiving a television signal in trial mode.
“Six months ago, I received inquiries from regional operators regarding the possibility of connecting to Medialogistika in smaller cities. Back then, few believed that we could turn it into reality so quickly. But we worked diligently and in March, it became possible to connect the first operator from a new region to the upgraded platform. All new operators connecting to Medialogistika 2.0 can benefit from a three-month trial period to evaluate the quality of our services,” Grigory Kuzin commented.
Mediabaza was the second project presented during the business track of CSTB.PRO.MEDIA 2023. It is a new B2B platform for producers and distributors of uploaded content on one end and audiovisual services and television channels on the other. These are the main target groups of the project that can be subsequently extended to other interested categories of customers, including conventional offline movie theaters and advertising agencies.