Yelena Voronina awarded Virtuti Interneti order

The award ceremony took place at RIGF 2023, the 13th Russian Internet Governance Forum.
The Virtuti Interneti award was established by the Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ in 2010, when the first Russian Internet Governance Forum was held. This is the most prestigious Runet award, and its winners are selected by the RIGF program committee. The order is awarded to both Russian and foreign representatives of the internet community, businesspeople, researchers and officials, who have made a significant contribution to the development of the Runet and the global internet.
The award was presented by Andrey Vorobyev, Director of the Coordination Center for TLD .RU/.РФ. In his speech, he noted Yelena Voronina’s outstanding contribution to the establishment of the Russian internet industry.
“Yelena Voronina is a key figure of the Russian internet. She stood at the origins of the creation of the Runet and took an active part in the development of the .RU and .РФ domain zones. MSK-IX, which Ms. Voronina has managed for many years, is one of the leading traffic exchange points in the world,” Andrey Vorobyev said.
In her acceptance speech, Yelena Voronina thanked the professional community.
“This award signifies recognition from my colleagues, so it is especially satisfying. And, of course, it’s great to join the club of Virtuti Interneti laureates,” she said.
The Virtuti Interneti award ceremony usually concludes with a lecture given by the winner. Yelena Voronina presented her report The Ecosystem of Connectivity, in which she briefly spoke about the basics and today’s trends in the development of internet connectivity and the specifics of managing them.
“Though there is no centralized system for managing the global network, the existing principles have stood the test of time. The network’s global connectivity is stable and comprehensive. The ecosystem of connectivity is constantly changing and adapting to the situation in the network business and in society as a whole. Network organizations skillfully adapt to changing conditions, thus making it possible for us to feel confident that nothing threatens the stability of the network,” Yelena Voronina said.