Cloud platforms highlighted in Internet Inside No. 19

Cloud solutions are a necessary part of a successful business today. Corporate servers, local applications, network infrastructure and even data centers are losing their former importance and are gradually being replaced by cloud technologies. While the term actually brings associations with something intangible, volatile and yet ubiquitous, we know that cloud services have enabled significant breakthroughs in security, scalability, performance and efficiency for IT resources.
The new Internet Inside issue includes materials on various aspects of cloud computing and services.
Anton Salov analyzes the development of the cloud services market (the Russian market, in particular) in his article Cloud technologies and models: From SaaS to EDGE. Cloud technologies are developing rapidly, with new models of services being created, growing wider and deeper. Cloud systems are now penetrating internal infrastructure – edge computing is becoming increasingly attractive, especially in industrial production. Alexei Kostin discusses the recent trends in the Russian market of “new oil” and its rapid growth.
Vladimir Glebsky writes about cloud platform development in another dimension – in outer space. This is no fantasy – the cloud industry giants are launching major projects “beyond the clouds.”
Bilgin Ibryam presents trends in the evolution of cloud computing from the technological development perspective. In, The evolution of cloud computing: From raw infrastructure to serverless app clouds, he considers the history and progress of these technologies, starting with “raw metal.”
Cloud systems are typically associated with a high level of centralized management. Although cloud platforms are geographically distributed, organization and management are concentrated in the hands of the service provider. In the article on Decentralization of clouds in general IT industry trends, Marat Biktimirov reflects on how decentralized approaches can improve cloud services’ scalability, resilience and security.
And if you think clouds are complicated, read Alexander Venedyukhin’s analysis of how DoH-based and encrypted tunneling technologies are driving the complexity of the internet’s underlying infrastructure, and fundamentally changing its landscape.
In the new section that debuts in this issue, Internet Science and Education, a group of contributors describes a method of end-to-end user authentication in a support system for scientific and technical evaluations.
The new issue of the magazine certainly includes our usual sections. In Politics, Madina Kasenova offers an analysis of the European Union’s efforts to gain digital sovereignty. The News section contains a few fun facts about the internet and the domain industry. Internet Inside magazine is available at