Medialogistika presents SRT receivers at telecom conference

From August 1 to 4, Irkutsk hosted the Baikal Conference of Telecom Operators (BKOS 2024), organized by Praktika Prodazh and Baikal-IX. This event provides a major platform for discussing the current telecom industry agenda, bringing together representatives of telecom operators, manufacturers, integrators and intercom companies from all over Russia.
Andrei Budnikov, Key Account Manager at Medialogistika 2.0 terrestrial television signal delivery platform, a joint project of MSK-IX and Synterra Media, spoke about the opportunities for regional operators to connect to the platform via the SRT protocol.
SRT stands for Secure Reliable Transport, a modern data transmission protocol developed by Haivision that significantly improves the quality of broadcasts and helps effectively manage networks while ensuring reliability and low latency in video content delivery. Thanks to its features, SRT ensures efficient high-quality video streaming performance even over unstable internet channels, which is especially relevant for remote regions of Russia.
“We use a powerful SRT gateway, which allows us to distribute several hundred TV streams to operators in Russia and abroad,” Andrei Budnikov said.
Medialogistika offers its clients connections via optical channels or using SRT receivers at the same price, without charging an additional fee for the device. An SRT receiver is provided at no extra charge to operators who order the Standard service plan. Moreover, during the three-month trial period, access to television channels is also provided free of charge.
Medialogistika’s SRT receivers provide the operator with access to 50 to 100 TV signals, depending on the configuration, delivered with sufficiently high quality even for unreliable internet connections.
“We recommend operators to connect to Medialogistika via dedicated optical channels at MSK-IX, Synterra Media or our partners’ connection nodes. However, this option is not always available to companies located in remote regions of the country. Those companies can take advantage of our offer to connect to the platform via our SRT receivers,” Andrei Budnikov pointed out.